August 7, 2010

OMG I have a dedicated reader!

Well, dedicated reader Erin, sorry it's been so long since I've posted.  But as you'll soon read, you haven't missed much.  Here is the past week in review:

After the much-ballyhooed "I've done every workout this week and boy howdy do I rock at this training thing" post on Thursday, I utterly failed to get out of bed to run Friday.  So, still o-fer on a consistent week of training.

In Hood River for our anniversary.  We had a great time!  Does wine tasting count as training?  I hope so, because that, eating, and photography, is pretty much all we did.

Hood River part deux.  Training?  Ha!  I scoff at training!

17 miler.  Ran in to work, 9.22 miles.  I took our bike to work route, it was fun to do it on foot for a change, you sure have more time to notice things on foot than on wheels.  Had some chia fresca, which kicked it about mile 6 or so, and I felt like I could fly!  All in all a great run.  Then I worked all day.  Then I ran home from work, 7.8 miles (planned to walk or phone a hubby for a ride the rest of the way).  I really. hate. running. home from work!  Not only because of the heat, but also the traffic (which sucks only because the crosswalk signals change far less often), and the two big hills on the way home, Dexter northbound (not bad really) and then Fremont northbound up to the zoo from the bridge.  Had to walk that one a bit, and though I tried getting in my tempo miles, I just couldn't do it, though I did pick up the pace a bit.  The second I hit mile 17, I called Kevin to come get me, but of course kept walking.  Almost a mile later (just enough time for a cooldown), my knight in shining armor, his sidekick Murphy, and his trusty steed Maggie (our Ford Escape) arrived.

Monday's Milepost:

Milepost 18ish, 105th & Dayton.  iPhone, Camera Bag, Magazine.  So freaking happy to see Kevin and Murphy!

Rest day.  Got a massage after work, and Darian tells me my lower leg circulation is not great (though it's not horrible, he's seen worse, not to worry, yada yada.  What, me worry?  Hell yes!).  Apparently the calves etc. are so tight now that they are limiting circulation in my legs.  He works the hell out of them, tells me to do hot and cold baths, compression and elevation, and to drink a ton of water.  Says the word "edema."  I freak out, and Bing it.  Bad idea.  What the hell is going on???  Stopped by Walgreens on the way home, and the best I could do for soaking buckets were two kids beach pails, one pink, one blue.  Sadly, it turns out they were too small for my feet, but I stuck them in anyway and did my hot/cold baths.

Legs hurt like hell from the massage so I figure running on them after that is a bad idea.  Did yoga, though.

Still hurt like hell, and tingling.  Still freaked out.

Worked late Wednesday and Thursday, too tired to run.  Plus, oh yeah, my legs hurt, and I'm still freaked out.  I did walk briskly home from the bus though, uphill, and to and from the Mariner's game.  Oh and thank goodness for yoga.

Was going to bike in to work, but didn't.  I did, however, still work.  Compression socks on this afternoon, and did a long session of hot/cold soak after dinner in my fabulous new Lowes Home Improvement buckets, then more compression socks and elevation.  Legs still tingling, but they feel a bit better tonight.

I'm going to chalk this week up to a total failure training wise, plus total overload work wise, and call it a mental break.  I will start fresh tomorrow (18 miles, fresh?  I think not), unfortunately with the same freakish legs.

And details?  No details for this one, this is the week of shame.

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