April 10, 2011

Screw You, BAA!

Now that the good folks at the Boston Athletic Association have decided to make my path to Boston a little harder and/or longer by changing both the qualifying standards and the registration process, I'm going to try to mix things up to get stronger and hopefully as a result, faster.

Kevin and I started CrossFit a week ago. Not only have I worked out for seven days straight, I can't remember ever being quite this sore for this many days. Anyway, just so I can look back in a month or so and see how far I've come (assuming I survive), here's my road so far.

CrossFit Day 1
After the intros and a warmup, did 3 sets of 21-15-9 (pull ups w/green rubber band, box jumps (12"), sit-ups). But I did 12 extra pull ups before we started because I didn't listen to the instructions. That'll teach me.
Result: 8:09(?), had fun, definitely love the concept. Came in 3rd to last. Not a competition, but you know me....

OMG so freaking sore! Got up and limp-walked the dog and ouched my way through work. Can't raise arms above head. Pushing open doors is excruciating.
2-mile run after work. Legs were fine, thankfully!

Still sore as hell, but less so. Lunchtime yoga helped.
CrossFit Day 2
Warmup, then 3 sets of 200m run, 10 push-press w/25 lb bar, 15 box dips, 20 v-ups.
Result: 11ish minutes, came in 5th. Running, something I can do!

Sore but much less so than after the first night.
RoadRunner Sports Adventure race in evening, did about 4ish miles of speed work, won prizes, drank beer. Awesome.

Only a little sore. Did lunchtime yoga, aaaahhhhhh.

18.5 mile semi-hilly bike ride from home
CrossFit Day 3
Half of class not there. 3 sets of 400m run, 20 lunges, 20 kettle bell swings, 20 wall ball (8 lb ball)
Result: came in second behind hubby in 16:19. Kept form whole time. Legs shaking like noodles afterward. Super tired and napped when I got home, then walked dog.

OMG how can I possibly be this sore? Legs on fire, ass on fire, shoulders on fire. At least my abs don't hurt.
Somehow I managed to run 7 miles with the group. I don't quite know how, because I couldn't move for the rest of the day. Napped and ate my way out of house and home.

Tomorrow it starts again! Except I really think I'd better take Tuesday as a rest day so I don't do myself in. Loving it!

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