July 12, 2010

If Mondays weren't rest days, they would suck.

I was crazy tired all day at work, but not totally sure why.  It could have been the 15.93 mile run yesterday.  Or maybe because I got up at 5 am again (even though I wasn't running--but this is really a good thing).  Or because Amazon Fresh delivered around 4:30 and of course Murphy heard the truck and alarm barked.  Or possibly it was because Stella has been a complete psycho the past few weeks.  Ding ding ding, we have ourselves a winnah!  Her latest act starts with jumping onto the bed in the dead of night, then to the narrow windowsill about two feet above our heads, pausing there for a brief break before leaping down onto one of our sleeping bodies (Kevin mostly).  Thankfully she's only 8 pounds, but she's 8 pounds of pure spring-loaded muscle.  Then she throws herself off the bed and gallops around like she's being chased by a ghost.  Repeat.

Perhaps that's why Cooper likes his catnaps so much.  Here he was yesterday, back when it was summer.

Today's Rest Stop:

RS 2, Dining Room Floor.  iPhone Hipstamatic app, Kaimal Mark II lens, Kodot Verichrome film.  As you can see, he's a little peeved I didn't wait for the shadow from the window frame to move off of his face. 

Thanks to a miraculous late-day rally, I had the energy to stop by PCC on the way home from work to get fixins' for the best brownies on the planet to take to Rick & Colleen's tomorrow night, and picked up some Chia seeds while I was there.  (I've been intrigued by the whole Chia seed thing since reading Born to Run (a great read even if you aren't a runner), and when Erin mentioned something about them this weekend I learned they weren't hard to come by.)  So after I made the brownies I whipped up some Tarahumara-style Pinole Breakfast Cookies to try before my run tomorrow morning:

iPhone, Hipstamatic app, Kaimal Mark II lens, Ina's 1969 film.

Stay tuned for the results!

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