July 4, 2010

Independence Day

Last Tuesday I decided to run the Portland Marathon on October 10 to try to get my BQ before I turn 40.  I ran Seattle Rock n Roll last Saturday with my lovely cousin Stephanie from Iowa, so despite the fact that I don't actually have a training plan yet, today was a 14 miler.  A solo, music-free 14 gives you a lot of time to think, and at some point around mile 8 or so I thought I would start this training journal, taking pictures of my travels along the way with my iPhone.  So here we are.

Today was one of my favorite routes through Ballard. I stopped to smell a rose on 70th, used the facilities in Salmon Bay Park, patted a Basset Hound waiting for his master on Ballard Avenue, memorized my photo mileposts while running up Stone Way too fast (turns out a series of five two-digit numbers is a nice tempo for running up a hill), and refilled my water at Greenlake.  Also, saw lots of people Geocaching. I knew they were Geocaching because I read about it here earlier this week.  Apparently they were looking for the Triad.  It was kind of funny watching them beating the bushes and loitering along the trail.  I didn't want to take their picture, though. They might have thought I was weird.

Today's Milepost:

Milepost 9.29, Stone Way N. & N. Northlake Way.  In retrospect I realize I should have taken a picture of the Bassett Hound, but he was before mile 8.  Oh and iPhone camera is not so great on darkish overcast days.

The Details
Departed:  8:04:49 am
Start temp:  54 degrees
Mileage:  14.72 miles (oops!)
Watch time:  2:29:29
Running time:  2:25:29 (Watch Time minus about four minutes for rose sniffing, dog patting, intersection crossing, bathroom breaking, water refilling, photo taking, and calf stretching.)
Average Heart Rate:  165
Average Pace:  9:53
Notes:  Really a good run!  Struggled to keep my pace slow enough, query what my LR pace should be if I'm having to slow myself down?  Some aches and pains (right achilles, left low shin).  But overall felt great, even heading home from the bottom of Stone, which is pretty much uphill for 4 of 5 miles.

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